Tag: Health

Living a Whole Food Plant-Based Life is Easier Than You Think!

Living a Whole Food Plant-Based Life is Easier Than You Think!

One comment I hear repeatedly when I talk about living a whole food plant based (WFPB) life is “I could never do that, it would be too hard.” I typically respond with “Why do you think that?” Then I will get a litany of responses 

Mediterranean Bulgar Wheat Salad

Mediterranean Bulgar Wheat Salad

I have found that simple recipes that are easy to prepare are necessary to maintain and sustain the Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle. If you need to spend your days meal prepping for hours, you’ll quickly lose focus and reach for something that is processed, 

How Best to Adopt the Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle

How Best to Adopt the Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle

A pine cone?  What?  No, this isn’t what you eat on a whole food plant based (WFPB) diet.  Rather it is symbolic.  You need to start somewhere and somehow.  You need to plant that seed to allow you to grow into this lifestyle.

I was looking at the Forks over Knives group page on FaceBook and someone asked the question, “when adopting a whole food, plant based lifestyle, did you go cold turkey or did you do it over time”?

Interesting question.  It got me thinking.  I went all-in.  Gave up meat, eggs, and dairy products cold turkey and adhered 100% to a whole food, plant based diet.  But just because it was right for me, is that the only way this lifestyle can be adopted?

I think the answer to the question is really based on the person.  Cop out answer, right?  But hear me out.

Throughout my life, when I felt strong enough about something, I was able to direct my focus and attention to that something.  Whether it was an assignment at work, pursuing advanced degrees, or changing my dietary habits, I was able to block out distractions and temptations to achieve the objective.  Heck, I quit cigarettes cold turkey.

But my issue has been sustaining the desired result after the objective has been met.  This explains my weight going up and down like the stock market.  I always have had the ability to achieve the goal I set, but maintaining is my problem.  Little distractions and temptations get me off track and I fall back to my habits and patterns.

In other words, I made a temporary change, not a permanent change.  I did not change who I was at the core, which is what really needed to change.

So, I reflected on the question posed, I asked myself, “would I have enjoyed permanent change or success had I gradually changed my behavior until I achieved my desired outcome, allowing my new habits and patterns to become part of my being”?

Honestly, knowing my personality, I am not sure I would have.  Sure, I could cut back on consuming meat, eggs, and dairy and incorporate more fruits, vegetables, and healthy starches in my diet.  But the lure of these forbidden foods possess a strong pull for me.  I guess for me, it really is all or nothing.  Just like you can’t be a little pregnant (you are or you are not), I can’t be a little WFPB (I am or I am not).

For that reason, I really do think that everyone is different.  If you need to ease into something, making small, daily changes until the change is permanent, then I highly encourage you to ease into the WFPB lifestyle.  This may be starting with a couple days a week refraining from the forbidden foods or eliminating them from two meals a day.  Over time, gradually increasing the frequency of compliant meals until you reach the point where you have fully incorporated a WFPB diet into your life.

Neither path is right or wrong.  It really depends on the individual.  We are all different and one size does not fit all.  But what is critically important is that we start down the path.  We need to plant the seed somewhere and let it grow and develop.  Some will grow and develop faster than others, but the key is to nurture and foster the growth.  Think of WFPB blogs, Netflix documentaries like “What the Health” and “Forks over Knives”, and FaceBook Groups as nourishment for the seed you planted.  If you slip up, don’t give up.  Start again.

I know this time is different for me.  I have too much to live for.  Too much I want to experience.  Too much of me I want to give my grandchild, wife, and kids.  Too much I want to accomplish and leave as a legacy.  It is my “Why”.

My advice to you is, adopt this whole food, plant based lifestyle according to the terms that best suits your personality.  After starting, feed your mind with information and seek support through blogs, the Netflix documentaries, and the various FaceBook groups supporting the lifestyle.  And lastly, figure out your “Why”.  Why do you want this lifestyle?  Why do you want to enjoy the benefits this lifestyle will bring you?  When you connect your “Why” to what it is that you are doing, you will greatly enhance your chances for success.  And if you find yourself falling back to the old habits, revisit your “Why” because chances are, your “Why” hasn’t changed and it is stronger than the moment of weakness you experienced.

We are on this journey together.  I am here for you and by you reading my blog, I know you are here for me.

Wishing you amazing health!


Welcome to My WFPB Life

Welcome to My WFPB Life

Who am I and how did I get here? Let’s see, where do I begin?  It was Christmas 2017 and my Christmas gifts were all Keto related cookbooks.  I was convinced Keto was my passage to a healthy life and washboard abs.  It was the